Monday, November 23, 2020

How to Make Money with Your Writing

by Tony Thomas

Many of those of us who love to write have a difficult time monetizing our efforts.  There seems to be no shortage of writers out there who are content to work for next to nothing.

Succeeding as a writer requires marketing skill, specialized knowledge, and the ability to "think outside the box".  And the more relevant knowledge and experience you have, the more money you can receive.

When I first decided to become a professional writer over 40 years ago, I hit the streets and found a local business that wanted to produce a marketing brochure.  While that was an ambitious project and I had zero experience, I hired a photographer/graphic designer, got quotes from a printer, and wrote the copy for the brochure with the assistance of the client.

Although I made very little money on the deal, I learned a lot about copywriting and print production.  I spent a lot of time with the dictionary, the thesaurus, and grammar books and honed my writing skills.  Shortly thereafter, I co-founded an advertising agency and did copy/creative for a variety of major clients.  I wrote magazine ads, radio commercials, marketing proposals, and copy for promotional pieces.

While working at the agency, I decided I wanted to write for print publications. I boldly walked into the office of a local newspaper with a sample of my work.  The editor was impressed and asked me about my areas of specialized knowledge.

That led to a long mutually beneficial relationship with that publication that lasted for decades.  With samples from that publication, I was able to get writing assignments from many other national and international publications.

My point is that small efforts can lead to substantial success with time and effort.  You just need to find your niche and your market.

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