Tuesday, September 8, 2020

My New Book: "Writing at the Speed of Sound: Dictation Made Easy"

by Tony Thomas

I just finished my first writing book entitled:  "Writing at the Speed of Sound: Dictation Made Easy".  Since I am such a slow typist, dictation has come in very handy for me and has helped me greatly increase my throughput and productivity.  It has become a key part of my writing workflow.

Here are some excerpts from the introduction (shameless plug): 

"Do you want to write faster?  What writer doesn't want to write faster?   I'll say it now: Dictation is the key to faster writing and improved productivity.  Not only does it reduce the potential for repetitive strain injury, it increases your writing speed by multiples of what most people can type.

"If dictation is so wonderful, why don't all writers use it?  I think the barriers to dictation include unfamiliarity with a process, the need to prepare and think differently, and self-consciousness.

"For most people, talking into a microphone isn't a natural process, even though that is exactly what we are doing when we use a cell phone, for example. And, it really takes a lot of practice to get the hang of it. But, once you get going. you will find that you can write hundreds of words per minute with ease.

"It also allows you to write while standing, walking around the room, closing your eyes, listening to your favorite music on headphones , and even when out taking a stroll or walking your dog.

"This short book will help you get started with dictation.  There is no filler or fluff.  Just the information that you need to rapidly increase your productivity and throughput."

If you have ever thought about trying dictation, I think my book will be very useful to you.  It is very concise and I kept the price low to make it affordable for every writer.  Check it out!

Amazon link: 


Smashwords Link:


Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Writing Productivity Bundle - Book Review

by Tony Thomas

This is actually a set of three books penned by author, Monica Leonelle.  The books included are:

“Write Better, Faster”

“The 8 Minute Writing Habit”

“Dictate Your Book”

“Write Better, Faster” actually started off as a blog post that detailed Monica’s experience in trying hit her writing goals by using the “Pomodoro method”, dictation and meticulously  tracking her progress.  It is an easy read and a book worth revisiting from time to time.  The book ends with a very long appendix which is essentially a diary of her progress.  

“The 8 Minute Writing Habit” covers the five “author blocks that are keeping you from your writing” and provides nine strategies for success.  The last part of the book is the “8 x 8 challenge” that encompasses trying different techniques for 8 days that only take 8 minutes per day.

“Dictating Your Book” is about learning how to dictate to improve your productivity.  It primarily focuses on using “Dragon Naturally Speaking”.  

What I found refreshing about this set is that is written in a first-person, conversational tone.  She imparts a lot of wisdom that has been produced by her writing experiences.  I think it is a useful set for any writer.

Click link below to buy it on Amazon:  


Full disclosure:  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Fun with Mechanical Keyboards!


by Tony Thomas

 After playing with my Red Dragon mechanical keyboard for a few weeks, I decided that I wanted something that was quieter so that I would not drive my wife crazy as I typed.  The "blue" keys in the Red Dragon have a high-pitched tactile click that is great for improving your typing speed but hard on the ears.

As a result I picked up a Techware "Phantom" TKL (ten key-less) keyboard that looks very similar to the Red Dragon but also includes RGB LED backlighting.  It looks so cool.  Then I spotted a cute Dierya 60% bluetooth keyboard that I can also use with my iPad when I am out and about.  

I started reading more and watching YouTube videos (very dangerous, BTW) and decided I need a keyboard that I can customize with different switches and keycaps.  The recently released Keychron K8 is now on order.

Yes, I am now in that black hole that is the mechanical keyboard hobby and my wallet is a bit emptier.

There are plenty of great YouTube channels that are devoted to mechanical keyboards (Taeha Types, Switch and Click, The Techne, and TaeKeyboards are standouts) as well as a sub-Reddit: r/MechanicalKeyboards.

The good news is mechanical keyboards have made me way more productive since they are a joy to type on.  If you are a writer, you may want to give mechanical keyboards a try!